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Auxiliary verbs are verbs that modify a main verb. Auxiliary verbs are written in presens or preteritum. The main verb follows the auxiliary verb in the infinitiv.

Since auxiliary verbs occur in presens or preteritum it is important to learn these forms of all the common auxiliary verbs. Note that most of these verbs are irregular.

Presens Preteritum
kan kunde
vill ville
får fick
måste *[var tvungen att]
ska skulle
behöver behövde
brukar brukade
*Note: There is no form in preteritum of måste. In preteritum the expression var tvungen att is used.

Word order in Swedish is somewhat tricky. Since the auxiliary verb is followed by a main verb in the infinitiv, careful attention to word order is required.

In the word order matrix, the auxiliary verb occurs in the V1 position. Word order is covered in detail in a separate section. Note however that V1 is always either presens or preteritum:


The auxiliary verb is followed by a main verb. The main verb occurs in the V2-position. Following on an auxiliary verb the main verb is always in the infinitiv:


X V1 (S) SA V2 O Adv.
Han ska äta
Vi kan sjunga
David måste åka
  • Infinitive forms never end in a consonant.

  • The Infinitive usually ends with an -a:
    skriva, läsa, höra, äta, sova, dricka, springa, åka

  • Infinitives can also end in other vowels:
    gå, se, bli, dö, sy, spä, bo.

  • Infinitives cannot stand alone in Swedish but always come after an auxiliary verb or the infinitive marker 'att':

X V1 (S) SA V2 O Adv.
Han ska äta glass
Han gillar att äta glass

The auxiliary verb modifies the main verb. Below is a table of how the different auxiliary verbs modify the main verb.

Auxiliary verb Meaning English equivalent
ska+infinitiv future will
brukar + infinitiv habitual action
kan + infinitiv knowledge/ability can
får + infinitiv permission
vill + infinitiv volition want
behöver + infinitiv need need
måste + infinitiv demand must

Note that for brukar and får there is no English equivalents. These will have to be re-written as usually and to be allowed to respectively. Also, the verbs for which there are equivalents, these are not full synonyms to the Swedish auxiliary verbs. The Swedish verb kan, for instance, does not always mean exactly the same as English can.

Note also that in English the verbs 'will eat', 'can eat' and 'must eat', exhibit the same properties as the Swedish auxiliary verb in that infinitive immediately follows. For the other English verbs the infinitive marker 'to' is required: 'want to eat' and 'need to eat'.

Some common verbs act as auxiliary verbs. This means that the infinitiv follows on the verbs slutar, börjar, tänker, försöker och orkar, just as after auxiliary verbs:

X V1 (S) SA V2 O Adv.
Han slutar jobba snart
De börjar sjunga
David tänker åka
Hon försöker förstå
Lars orkar inte lyfta stenen.

Choose between present and infinitiv in the sentences below:

1. Han åker till stan. (åka/åker)

2. De ska åka till stan. (åka/åker)

3. Hon äter frukost tidigt. (äta/äter)

4. Hon brukar äta frukost tidigt. (äta/äter)

5. Vi vill köpa en ny bil. (köpa/köper)

6. Vi köper en ny bil. (köpa/köper)

7. Du måste ringa till skolan. (ringa/ringer)

8. Du ringer till skolan. (ringa/ringer)

9. Jag spelar gitarr. (spela/spelar)

10. Jag kan spela gitarr. (spela/spelar)

Choose an appropriate auxiliary verb for the sentences below. Note: In some sentences several auxiliary verbs are correct. The preferred auxiliary verb is without brackets. Choose from: behöver, brukar, får, kan, måste, vill och ska.

1. Peter brukar äta ägg varje morgon.

2. Alla barn måste/(behöver) gå i skolan i Sverige

3. Hon kan prata franska men inte tyska.

4. Man får inte röka i skolan.

5. Vi ska åka till Stockholm imorgon.

6. Jag vill inte äta pizza. Jag vill äta hambugare.

7. Du behöver(/måste) köpa nya skor. Dina skor är sönder.

8. Jag orkar(/kan) inte lyfta lådan. Den är för tung.

9. Han börjar jobba klockan 8 och slutar klockan 12.

10. Babyn försöker(/vill) äta själv men han är för liten.